, pub-8117823763915578, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Case "90" Pedal Tractor

CASE “90”

Manufactured by Ertl.

Uses the same casting as the “1070”

Painted white and orange.

DECALS: Left and Right side and the front

FRONT RIM: Plastic with hat shaped pushnut

REAR RIM: Current high ridge with low dome Hubcap

HUB: Current smaller hub with plastic bearings.

With the smaller hub pedal crank painted black

SREERING WHEEL and SEAT: Black plastic

HITCH: Current style hitch pin

All else the same as the “1070”

Check out the video with more information closeups.
copyright Real Deal Productions, Inc., pub-8117823763915578, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0