, pub-8117823763915578, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

John Deere 30 Late Version Pedal Tractor

The same as the Early “30” except for the front post, the seat, the steering wheel, the front rim, and the hitch pin.

DECALS: Left and Right side, two on the Front, the back of the Seat, and the Steering Wheel
FRONT TIRE: 7x1 1/2” rib tread, flat face, plain
REAR TIRE: 12x1 3/4” lug tread, plain
FRONT RIM: Plastic with hat shaped pushnuts
REAR RIM: Smooth High Dome withlow dome hubcaps
HUBS: Round hub with large plastic bearing
CHAIN: Regular chain with a chain guard
PEDALS: Black ribbed plastic with hat shaped pushnuts.
            Pedal crank same color as tractor
STEERING WHEEL: Black plastic
SEAT: Black plastic
HITCH: Current style hitch pin

Check out the video for more in depth information and closeups.copyright Real Deal Productions, Inc., pub-8117823763915578, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0